

I feel my ideas are good ideas and i could have done any of them but the one that i think would have been the hardest was the one about dinosaurs because were only allowed to use a certain amount of archival footage so i would have had o do  lot of talking on camera and i feel you would not have captured what i wanted to talk about in my documentary if it was just me talking for five minutes. The amount of time i had for my documentary was enough but i need to work on my time management because. in the future i need to make more time for the editing of my documentary not just the filming. Or i need to have a clear enough plan of how im im going to edit so i can get the editing done efficiently. I researched each of my ideas maybe not as much as i could of but after the research that i did i knew which one i was able to do in the time that we had. My idea did change slightly because my first idea was to do if people prefered netflix or amazon prime more but i realized at the beginning that i needed to broaden the idea so i changed it to all streaming services and if shows were bingeable or not.


My research for my documentary was probably what i did the best at because i already knew a lot about streaming services and because it has become more popular in the last years there are quite a few articles on the internet. The only thing i would say was hard to find research from is books because it is a new topic there are few to none books and streaming services or binging in a whole so i think i would pick a topic for my final major project that there is lots of different types of research. I filmed some interviews from my documentary when i was doing netflix or amazon prime but when i looked through i saw that the majority of people chose netflix so i could not really do the idea of what i wanted to do so after i decided to change my idea to streaming services i realized that the interviews where more research and that is what made me realise i needed to change my idea to be more broad.


I feel my planning was not the strongest but it was still good, when i was filming my main interview all of my setting up was good and she was in focus and the lighting was good but the one thing i would change is the background. In the future i will choose a background more relevant to what my project is about because the background was quite mediocre so i feel that would be one main thing i would change.


My finished documentary was not exactly what i wanted it to be because i ran out of time but what is in my documentary i think is good. My finished documentary to my proposal was different because i decided not to do some of the interviews i planned but i followed the general idea of my proposal. I feel my editing went well, i could do everything i wanted to do but i just did not have time to carry on even if i did have the clips. Also there were a few things that i could not film because i did not have the kind of people that i wanted for my documentary so i decided to just cut the part out and not film it because it would not have looked the way i wanted.
