
3 ideas:

  • dinosaurs
  • TV shows 
  • Wes Anderson 


for my first idea i was thinking of doing it about dinosaurs and the different dinosaurs that lived in each era and how they were different. also how you see characteristics from dinosaurs in modern day animals. i really like this idea but i feel it would be difficult to make it entertaining to my target audience seeing as they may not find it as interesting as i do. the way i would film this would be mostly voice overs on pre-made videos of what dinosaurs would look like etc. 

Wes Anderson.

m my idea was going to be to do it about his life and about the style in which he does his movies, also talk about his most famous films. a lot of the filming for this would be voice overs and using past clips but i would do some interviews with people to see what they think about Wes Anderson. 

Netflix or amazon prime

for my last idea i was going to do a documentary whether Netflix or prime was better. i was going to ask people what they liked better and why and answer there question and say stuff about Netflix and show pros and cons of each side. i was then going to show the same people the documentary and get there answers    

what research into streaming sites has helped you?

my research into streaming sites has helped because it has given me ideas on what I want to focus on throughout my documentary and when I do a voiceover I know what to say and what to focus one. also my research has helped me choose what topics I am going to talk about and what is more interesting and detailed to talk about. also I have learnt things that I didn't know about before from looking at various website so I have added that information to my script. I could not find any research from books about this subject so it was a little bit of a waste of time but then again binging and streaming shows online has only become a thing these past couple of years. 

I also looked at a few articles online what showed the most binge worthy shows and what are the most popular shows and the majority of them where able to stream on Netflix and second it was amazon prime and a few streaming services that not many people know of. this tells me that because Netflix has the most popular shows that more people are going to buy it because everyone will be watching and talking about them shows. 


The topic of my documentary is going to be about how streaming shows have changed and how shows have become more bingeble. To be able to understand the audience you most likely will need to have some form of streaming service and/or binged a show at least once in their life.

Main characters
One of the people I’m going to interview is my friend trinity, compared to the other people who are going to be in the interview she is a family friend. I already know she watches lots of tv shows and films so she is going to be giving the side of someone who uses streaming services a lot and who binges shows.
Another of my main characters is going to be my mum, Laura. She doesn’t watch shows as much as trinity and she hardly ever binges shows so my interview with her is going to show why she has these streaming services and if she has ever binged something and what attracted her to binge it.
There will also be my grandma and grandad, Jim and Sarah who have never binged shows and they don’t have any streaming services. To see what they know about binging and if they would get a streaming service in the future. There interview won’t be used as much as trinity and Laura but I will use some of it to add a completely different side of the story.

A main part of the interviews is going to be that there is going to be conflict about what they feel about streaming and binging. I am going to have someone who has binged lots of shows, someone who has maybe binged one or two shows and someone who does not have any streaming sites or has binged a show.

Audience biases
With the people I am interviewing you can get by there age if they have streaming services or if they binge shows. The only thing the audience really needs to know before the interview is there age so that later on I can show that traditionally different ages either binge shows or not.
On camera interview
Name: Laura murphy
Role: her role in life is that she is my mum. In the interview it is to show her perspective on before there were online streaming. Also to see if they binge shows.

Name: Jim and Sarah
Role: they are my grandma and grandad. In the interview it is going to show before there perspective on what it was like streaming shows when they were younger. If they have streaming services and if they have ever binged shows.

Name: trinity hillier
Age: 16
Role: she is my best friend. She is going to show the newest generation and how she has grown up around streaming services and binigng.

as our documentaries can only be 5 minutes long it means that I need to fit lots of information into a short amount of time. To try and achieve this I am going to make a storyboard of each shot and what order they are in so that I can make sure it fits in 5 minutes. After about 10 seconds of some video the title is going to appear so nearly straight away you know what is going on and what the documentary is about. Anything that is not told to you through the interviews will be done by someone as a voiceover. The voiceover will be put over some scenes that I have shot myself and maybe put of archival footage.
Form and style
For the majority of my documentary is going to be a medium long shot throughout the whole scene with maybe some panning or zooms but only a little because I want to make my documentary quite a chilled thing to watch and if there are all these movements I think it can make it seem intense. A lot of the interview is going to be different people answering one question on a topic and then I talk about it.


I want the ending to leave people knowing more than what they did at the beginning and to also realise how far we have come In such a short amount of time in context to streaming service.


  1. This is very limited work, through discussions it’s clear that you know your idea but I’m not seeing evidence of this on here. Could you complete a proposal for your chosen idea giving you a clear definition of what you plan to make. In your proposal you will need to outline the purpose of your documentary, who you plan to interview (and why), what other footage or audio you will need to gather/film to accompany your interviews.


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