
interview questions

do you own a streaming service? if so which one?

have you ever thought of switching streaming site?

what do you look for in a streaming service?

what would you say is the most important?

have you ever binged a show?

if so what was the show? how long did you binge it for?

what made you want to binge the show?

these questions are going to help me figure out what topics I am going to want to focus on the most in my documentary because if they answer some questions inmate details it is showing me that they might be interested in that topic than a question where they gave a one word or a few words answer.

this is the risk assessment for where i filmed my main inteview.

this is also the location rec for where i filmed my documentary .

visual audio script

Black screen with a white writing saying ‘ I asked # students what streaming service they preferred.’
There will be a relaxing background music that you can faintly hear.
Next is another black background with a white writing that says ‘this is what they said.’
There will be a relaxing background music that you can faintly hear.
There is a medium shot of someone talking. In the bottom left corner is there name and under in smaller writing is what they do.
There is faint relaxing music in the background, they are talking about why they like Netflix. She was talking for 11.20 seconds.
There is a medium shot of someone talking. In the bottom left corner is there name and under in smaller writing is what they do.
There is faint relaxing music in the background, they are talking about why they like amazon prime. He was talking for 15.11 seconds.
There is a medium shot of someone talking. In the bottom left corner is there name and under in smaller writing is what they do.
There is faint relaxing music in the background, they are talking about why the like Netflix. They are talking for 7.12 seconds.
There is a black background with white bold writing saying ‘to binge or not to binge.’
There is faint relaxing music in the background, this goes on for 7 seconds.
It is a medium shot of someone doing an interview. In the bottom left corner is there name and under in smaller writing is what they do.
There is as faint relaxing background music. You can just hear their answers and that goes on for a minute and a half.


  1. This is very limited work Karla, you have evidenced planning for an interview by coming up with some interesting question but there is evidence of who you are interviewing, where, why you are asking them these questions?

    The next step is for you create an audio/visual script breaking down the structure of your doc and what additional footage you may need to film/gather.


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